Friday, August 8, 2008

Brett Favre

Well, we have been wasting our lives with Brett's Bullshit (not as good) for a few......years? Seems like years... Anyway, the final conclusion is that everyone involved is wrong...EVERYONE...except for Aaron Rodgers. Let's go through the rundown:

The Green Bay Packers

For starters, The Pack may have pressured Favre to leave or make a decision or something. This forced an old gunslinger to make an emotional gut decision (maybe the only type of decision he's ever made) about the thing that means the most to him, competing. After that and after Brett continued to pretend to be retired, they committed to Aaron Rodgers, which is completely fine. Then Favre wanted back in and Green Bay continued to be committed to Rodgers as their quarterback of the future...still fine. Then they offered the most beloved player in the history of their franchise a role as a backup...not fine. Then they offered him a ton of money to stay retired...NOT AT ALL fine. Then, after ruining the lives of sports fans by making us watch (not all of us, some boycotted) thousands of hours of this CRAP, they traded him to the Jets for a 3RD ROUND PICK.

There's nothing wrong with 3rd round picks, but was it really worth it? I like Brett Favre, The Packers, ESPN, and the world less now because of all of this. Everyone looks bad. Everyone is pissed off. 3rd round pick?? Give me a break!!! If they went back to the point in the time line where things went from "fine" to "not fine," things would have stayed, well...fine.

If you're the Packers' front office, you want Aaron Rodgers, Brett wants to play...release him! I know you might lose him to the Bears or the Vikings, but what are you, scared? You're the ones who don't want him and he is 38. It's not like you're giving him away and he's poised to beat you up for years to come. You're the one with the young talented team with a young quarterback and a hard hitting defense in the weaker conference. And even if you are scared, treat the man right, he was your team for what, 16 years?? Terrible.

Brett Favre

We all love Brett Favre because he plays with his gut. The problem is, that very characteristic is what makes it just about impossible for him to retire gracefully. My sister called me the other day and asked me what I thought of the "Favre Situation." Well... I hate it, but the second question she asked was, "Is Brett Favre crazy?" To clarify, she did NOT mean, "Oh that Favre, what a nut!" After watching his various press conferences, she was legitimately questioning what his brain was really doing.

I don't know if Brett Favre is crazy. He is a great competitor and a nice guy, but not a rocket scientist. One of the rumors about Brett is that he has almost no hobbies other than football. More specifically, playing football. He's not the type to coach and he's not the type to "analyze." What's he gonna do, fish? Going from playing in the NFC Championship to nothing is probably pretty hard, but guess what; just because you love the game doesn't give you the right to push your former team to make unpopular decisions and possibly ruin the career of the kid you were supposed to mentor. Favre shouldn't shoulder all the blame for this situation, but there is no way he is at no fault at all.

Packer Fans: Hey Packer fans, way to boo the poor kid who is supposed to be the future of your franchise after he's already been screwed over by his former mentor, idiots. I want him to succeed because of how much crap he's had to go through, but you don't deserve his success. Shame.

Packer Players: Not much here, but I have heard rumors that some players have been rumbling about how they want Favre back. Get over him and back your current quarterback.

ESPN: Maybe the worst of all. I didn't have to hear about this situation until he got traded but guess what, I did. Everyone did, all the time, all day, it never ended. It still hasn't ended. Just because you say, "Ha ha, it just wouldn't be NFL Live if we didn't talk about 'The Brett Favre Saga!!'" does NOT make it OK. I didn't think I could dislike Trey Wingo more but this stupid shit has done the impossible. Brett Favre to the Jets should have been an interesting story, but I will never speak of this again. Boycott. Just shut up everyone, SHUT UP. SHUT. UP.

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