Saturday, July 19, 2008

It Begins.

At this point in my blogging career, I'd like to say 'hello' to all my readers (hey Glenn). This stupid thing will, for now, be a place for me to keep record of my sports predictions to see how well I would do if I were gambling on everything. Also, I hope to taunt my friend John Glenn (see above) into creating his own version of "Buddies' Bullshit." For example: "Glenn's Homosexual Fantasies," or, "John Glenn: American Treasure (Glenn being known as an "American Treasure" is a "joke" stolen from a member of the legendary Grey Till Frisbee Organization)."
Another possible use for this is to see what would happen if you had a sports talk show (or column) where you were allowed to make disgusting comparisons and use "the F-word" as much as you like. I've always wondered if that would be more fun since in real sports conversations, the F-word gets a lot of work in. That probably won't happen.
The real reason this atrocity now exists is because I am trying to fool ESPN into thinking my passion lies in journalism so they'll give me an internship. This might get tricky however, seeing as how many of my beefs with the sports world are about ESPN and how much it has become the MTV of sports. Whatever.

1 comment:

  1. What's wrong with ESPN? I guess I don't get to watch it during the daytime, but there is no way it could be as terrible as MTV. Last I saw, ESPN still shows sports. If you want to work for them, you should give them some ideas to make it better. Tear them a new one. And don't say that they should use more colorful language. Unless its part of a punch line or in some some sort of spontaneous moment, profanity always looks forced.
